Bibliographic Detail
Oliveira Filho, E.C. de, 1977
Oliveira Filho, E.C. de. (1977). Algas marinhas bentônicas do Brasil. Tese de Livre Docencia. pp. 1-406. São Paulo: Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo.
São Paulo
We believe that in Brazil there is such a diverse group of plants that is best known as the Benthic Marine Algae of the calls, which included five divisions: Cyanophyta, Chrisophyta, Rhodophyta, Phaeophyta and Chlorophyta. This is due especially to a team that has been developing for almost 30 years uninterrupted. In comparative terms, even though its extensive coastline, is Brazil, Latin America, the country that best meets your plants and marine phycology where the most prominent. We do not want to show it, not even suggest that the group in question is already in a stage of knowledge that dispenses new studies of taxonomic character. Rather, we want to make clear that although some taxa have been carefully studied, there are still numerous taxonomic problems to be solved. Although the past 25 years the Brazilian ficologistas have published about 130 papers, lacked a comprehensive study, which bring together the knowledge of several publications scattered to make a synthesis of the results already achieved. The last relationship date 1931 (160), including only 211 species, many of which have fallen into synonymy. Among other goals we intend to give an overview of the flora marine benthic algae from Brazil and their distribution along the Brazilian coast. Therefore, we collected all the scattered quotes in extensive literature, including unpublished theses, plus numerous original observations collected by the author over 15 years of collections throughout the coast of Brazil. Using these data we analyze the Brazilian marine flora as its relations with other floras known, their character and their phytogeographical origin probable. Our intention in preparing this work was not only to gather data from the literature to simply arrange them as a catalog, which, say, in passing, that would be very helpful. We tried to analyze and interpret the published data in light of our experience in years of Brazilian study of algae, providing a critical view of the same, plus original field observations, herbarium and laboratory. Of course, given the size and diversity of the groups involved, it was not possible to examine each of the taxa cited for Brazil, especially those in the last century, not least because many of the older collections were destroyed. By furthermore, we examined the collections studied by Greville (155), Montagne (109), Dickie (19-22) and Murray (112), and of course the Most collections made since 1950. We hope that this work, which is also a synthesis of our knowledge of marine algae can serve as input and starting point to better equate future work so that we can tackle the problems and avoid spending more priority to efforts in solving minor problems.