Goniomonas F.Stein, 1878
Lectotype species: Goniomonas truncata (Fresenius) F.Stein
Publication details: F.Stein, 1878: pl. 2 (Abt. II): figs 1-6
Original publication and holotype designation: Stein, F. von (1878). Der Organismus der Infusionsthiere nach eigenen forschungen in systematischere Reihenfolge bearbeitet. III. Abtheilung. Die Naturgeschichte der Flagellaten oder Geisselinfusorien. I. Hälfte, Den noch nicht abgeschlossenen allgemeinen Theil nebst erklärung: Der sämmtlichen Abbildungen enthaltend. pp. i-x, 1-154, pls I-XXIV. Leipzig: Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann.
Description: Free-swimming, flattened, biflagellate monads, elliptic in lateral view with an obliquely truncate anterior; a furrow extends along the middle of the anterior margin and for a short distance down the ventral margin and is surrounded by a single lateral row of ejectisomes; lacking chloroplasts, pyrenoids, nucleomorphs and starch; the periplast with longitudinal striations more or less visible in all species. Reproduction by simple cell division, the cells cleaving laterally in an anterior-posterior direction. Cysts production and palmelloid colonies are unknown. Goniomonas is the only cryptomonad so far examined that does not possess a plastidial complex, and is therefore considered primitive. The flagella have an unusual ultrastructure and the furrow-gullet system is located on the anterior of the cell rather than the usual ventral location. The storage product is oil. The genus is well known in freshwater habitats with a cosmopolitan distribution, but is rarely abundant. It is also present in marine waters although rarely recorded.
Information contributed by: D.R.A. Hill. The most recent alteration to this page was made on 2022-10-25 by E.A. Molinari Novoa.
Taxonomic status: This name is of an entity that is currently accepted taxonomically.
Gender: This genus name is currently treated as feminine.
Most recent taxonomic treatment adopted: Cenci, U., Sibbald, S.J., Curtis, B.A., Kamikawa, R., Eme, L., Moog, D., Henrissat, B., Maréchal, E., Chabi, M., Djemiel, C., Roger, A.J.; Kim, E. & Archibald, J.M. (2018). Nuclear genome sequence of the plastid-lacking cryptomonad Goniomonas avonlea provides insights into the evolution of secondary plastids. BMC Biology 16(1, article 137): 1-23, 9 figs.
Comments: Kugrens & Clay (2002) record this genus as being a member of the Goniomonadophyceae.
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Some of the descriptions included in AlgaeBase were originally from the unpublished Encyclopedia of Algal Genera,
organised in the 1990s by Dr Bruce Parker on behalf of the Phycological Society of America (PSA)
and intended to be published in CD format.
These AlgaeBase descriptions are now being continually updated, and each current contributor is identified above.
The PSA and AlgaeBase warmly acknowledge the generosity of all past and present contributors and particularly the work of Dr Parker.
Descriptions of chrysophyte genera were subsequently published in J. Kristiansen & H.R. Preisig (eds.). 2001. Encyclopedia of Chrysophyte Genera. Bibliotheca Phycologica 110: 1-260.
Linking to this page: https://www.algaebase.org/search/genus/detail/?genus_id=46455
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Cite this record as:
E.A. Molinari Novoa in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 25 October 2022. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org; searched on 28 March 2025