Ulva fasciata Delile 1813

Current name:
Ulva lactuca Linnaeus
TanzaniaEurico Oliveira (euricodo@usp.br)
Publication Details
Ulva fasciata Delile 1813: 297 [153 of reprint; pl. 58: fig. 5, 1826]
Published in: Delile, A.R. (1813). Description de l'Égypte ou recueile des observations et des recherches qui ont été faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition de l'armée française, publié par les orderes de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand.Histoire naturelle. Tom. Second. Histoire naturelle. Vol. 2 (fasc. 2 'troisème livraison') pp. 145-320 [Flore d'Égypte, explication des planches], pls 1-62 [1826]. Paris: Imprimerie Impériale.
Type Species
The type species (holotype) of the genus Ulva is Ulva lactuca Linnaeus.
Status of Name
This name is currently regarded as a synonym of Ulva lactuca Linnaeus.
Source of Synonymy
Hughey, J.R., Maggs, C.A., Mineur, F., Jarvis, C., Miller, K.A., Shabaka, S.H. & Gabrielson, P.W. (2019). Genetic analysis of the Linnaean Ulva lactuca (Ulvales, Chlorophyta) holotype and related type specimens reveals name misapplications, unexpected origins, and new synonymies (Letter). Journal of Phycology 55(3): 503-508, 2 figs.
Type Information
Type locality: "tapisse le fond du port neuf d'Alexandrie, depuis le quai de la ville jusqu'au lieu du mouillage des vaisseux près de la digue du Phare [new port, Alexandria, Egypt]; (Delile 1813: 297) Lectotype: PC; 0119343 (Yoshida 1998: 503) Notes: Epitype UC2050475 supporting the lectotype PC0119343 (Hughey et al., 2019; Hughey & Gabrielson 2022: 122).
General Environment
This is a marine species.
Created: 07 September 1996 by M.D. Guiry.
Last updated: 08 October 2024
Verification of Data
Users are responsible for verifying the accuracy of information before use, as noted on the website Content page.
Nomenclatural note
Delnatte & Wynne (2016) note "The traditional concepts of Ulva fasciata and U. lactuca are being retained in this treatment. Brief notes appeared in Science (Holden 2007) and in Nature (Butler 2007) with preliminary results indicating that genome mapping conducted by C.Maggs and F.Mineur on the type of U. lactuca in the Linnean Herbarium revealed that the map matched that which was known for U. fasciata. An in-depth official publication of their results has not yet been published." - (20 October 2016) - M.D. Guiry
Taxonomic note
Hughey et al. (2019) showed that DNA sequence (rbcL marker) of the epitype of U. fasciata from Egypt is nearly identical to the sequence of the holotype of Ulva lactuca Linnaeus, which has priority. Therefore, U. fasciata is a synonym of U. lactuca, and it has a warm temperate-tropical distribution. The cold temperate species widely reported as U. lactuca is correctly named Ulva fenestrata Postels & Ruprecht. Sfriso (2010a: 92) considered U. fasciata as an introduced species first reported from the Mediterranean Sea by Sfriso (1987). However, it should be noted that the type locality of this species is the new port of Alexandria (Egypt, Mediterranean Sea) (Delile, 1813: 297); moreover, the species was reported by Gallardo et al. (1993) from about ten different Mediterranean stations. Finally, Aleem (1993: 25) observed that this species is still very common at Alexandria as well [as] the nearby coast." - (01 September 2010) - M.D. Guiry
Distributional note
This species may have been introduced accidentally, probably via oysters from Japan or shipping, into the Mediterranean (Verlaque et al. 2015: 285, as Ulva lactuca), was first reported in the Mediterranean from Alexandria where it was collected in 1878-1801. It is now widely distributed in both basins and is said to be "well established" in the Etang de Thau (Verlaque et al. 2015: 285, as Ulva lactuca). - (06 November 2015) - M.D. Guiry
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G.M. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 08 October 2024. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org; searched on 28 March 2025