Augophyllum wysorii Showe M.Lin, Fredericq & Hommersand 2004

Publication Details
Augophyllum wysorii Showe M.Lin, Fredericq & Hommersand 2004: 964, figs. 1, 2

Published in: Lin, S.-M., Fredericq, S. & Hommersand, M.H. (2004). Augophyllum, a new genus of the Delesseriaceae (Rhodophyta) based on rbcL sequence analysis and cystocarp development. Journal of Phycology 40: 962-976, 7 figs, 1 table.

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Publication date: October 2004

Type Species
This is the type species (holotype) of the genus Augophyllum.

Status of Name
This name is of an entity that is currently accepted taxonomically.

Type Information
Holotype locality: Galeta (STRI-Research Station), Colon, Caribbean Sea. Panama (9°24.4'N, 79°52.0'W); (Lin, Fredericq & Hommersand 2004: 964) Holotype: Attached on rock overlying a sand/mud plain at 12-15 m depth (epitype) W. Kooistra & B. Wysor; 21.ix.1999; LAF; BW01006-2 (Lin, Fredericq & Hommersand 2004: 964, 965) Notes: Named for Brian Wysor. Holotype (tetrasporic plant): no. BW01006-2 (p. 964) but no. BW01006-1 cited on p. 965 for tetrasporic plant. Isotype (cystocarpic plant): no. BW01006-1 (p. 964) but no. BW 01006-2 cited on p. 965 for female plant.

General Environment
This is a marine species.

Thalli consisting of 1-3 ruffled, palmate blades, 3-5 cm broad by 1-2 cm high, arising from a single or branched stipe, 2-3 cm tall; blades mottled with brilliant golden iridescent circular spots on surface, membranous and polystromatic throughout except at the margins; plastids discoid, aggregated together beneath the cell surface; males unknown; procarps and cystocarps restricted to margins of fertile blades, unfertilized procarps degenerating soon after fertilization; cystocarp development as for the genus; cystocarps with beaked ostioles, developing on both sides of blades and restricted to blade margins, carposporangia terminal, maturing sequentially; tetrasporangial sori on both sides of fertile blades, circular, 0.4-3 mm in diameter, mostly restricted to blade margins.

The collections were all made in September. Presence of stipes suggests that thalli may be perennial. Plants were attached on rock overlying a sand/mud plain at 12-15 m depth.

Created: 15 November 2004 by Sandy Lawson.

Last updated: 05 June 2023

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