Asteromenia bermudensis G.W.Saunders, C.E.Lane, C.W.Schneider & Kraft 2006

Publication Details
Asteromenia bermudensis G.W.Saunders, C.E.Lane, C.W.Schneider & Kraft 2006: 1593, figs 13-25

Published in: Saunders, G.W., Lane, C.E., Schneider, C.W. & Kraft, G.T. (2006). Unraveling the Asteromenia peltata species complex with clarification of the genera Halichrysis and Drouetia (Rhodymeniaceae, Rhodophyta). Canadian Journal of Botany 84: 1581-1607, 83 figs, 3 tables.

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Type Species
The type species (holotype) of the genus Asteromenia is Asteromenia peltata (W. R. Taylor) Huisman & A. Millar.

Status of Name
This name is of an entity that is currently accepted taxonomically.

Type Information
Type locality: Canon Point, John Smith's Bay, Bermuda I., Bermuda; (Saunders & al. 2006: 1593) Holotype: C.W. Schneider, G.W. Saunders & C.E. Lane; 14 November 2001; 9 m; UNB; sine numero (Saunders & al. 2006: 1593)

Thalli decumbent, spreading to 9 cm, marginally peltate, blades spatulate to 0.5 cm wide and dentate/proliferous, anastomosing where they overtop one another; medullary cells generally isodiametric in mature thallus regions, subcortical concentrations of refractive cells under dorsal surface absent. Cystocarps ampulliform; adventitious filaments common between pericarp wall and gonimoblast filaments.

Created: 29 November 2007 by M.D. Guiry.

Last updated: 27 July 2010

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M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 27 July 2010. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 15 March 2025

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