Actinocyclus ehrenbergii var. tenellus (Brébisson) Hustedt 1929

Publication Details
Actinocyclus ehrenbergii var. tenellus (Brébisson) Hustedt 1929: 530, fig. 302

Published in: Hustedt, F. (1929). Die Kieselalgen Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz unter Berücksichtigung der übrigen Länder Europas sowie der angrenzenden Meeresgebiete. Bd VII: Teil 1: Liefrung 3. In: Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. (Anon. Eds), pp. 465-608. Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.h..

Publication date: Jan 1929

Type Species
The type species (lectotype) of the genus Actinocyclus is Actinocyclus octonarius Ehrenberg.

Status of Name
This name is currently regarded as a synonym of Actinocyclus octonarius var. tenellus (Brébisson) Hendey.

Source of Synonymy
Hendey, N.I. (1974). A revised check-list of the British marine diatoms. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 54: 277-300, no figs.

Eupodiscus tenellus Brébisson

Origin of Species Name
Noun (singular possessive) (Latin), named for a person with the surname Ehrenberg, for algae generally Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg (1795-1876).

General Environment
This is a marine species.

Created: 23 April 2002 by M.D. Guiry.

Last updated: 28 July 2023

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M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 28 July 2023. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 14 March 2025

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