Goniolithon solubile Foslie & M.Howe 1907
Publication Details
Goniolithon solubile Foslie & M.Howe 1907: 21, no fig.
Published in: Foslie, M. (1907). Algologiske notiser IV. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter 1907(6): 1-30.
Publication date: between 30.ix.1907 and 27.i.1908
Type Species
The type species (lectotype) of the genus Goniolithon is Goniolithon papillosum (Zanardini ex Hauck) Foslie.
Status of Name
This name is currently regarded as a synonym of Neogoniolithon solubile (Foslie & M.Howe) Setchell & L.R.Mason.
Source of Synonymy
Setchell, W.A. & Mason, L.R. (1943). Goniolithon and Neogoniolithon: two genera of crustaceous coralline algae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America 29: 87-92.
Type Information
Syntype localities: "Culebra-øen, Porto Rico (Howe, nr. 4375). [Isla Culebra, Puerto Rico]. Et svagt udviklet eksemplar er ogsaa hjembragt fra Montego Bay, Jamaica (Howe, nr. 4999)." [A weakly developed specimen has also been brought home from Montego Bay, Jamaica (Howe, no. 4999)]; (Foslie 1907: 21) Lectotype (Isla Culebra, Puerto Rico, designated by Woelkerling & al. 2005: 83): M.A. Howe; 7.iii.1906; on coral near low water mark; TRH; A10-537 (Woelkerling & al. 2005: 83) Notes: Includes slide 1088 and two newer slides prepared by G.W. Maneveldt
General Environment
This is a marine species.
Created: 11 December 2002 by G.M. Guiry.
Last updated: 25 June 2023
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M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 25 June 2023. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org; searched on 09 January 2025