Goniolithon yendoi Foslie 1900
Current name:
Spongites yendoi (Foslie) Y.M.Chamberlain
Platboom, Cape Peninsula, South Africa; lower intertidal with Garden Limpet and Gelidium micropteron - 21 September 2005. Michael Guiry (mike.guiry@nuigalway.ie)
Publication Details
Goniolithon yendoi Foslie 1900: 25
Published in: Foslie, M. (1900). New or critical calcareous algae. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter 1899(5): 1-34.
Publication date: between 1.i.1900 and 25.vi.1900
Type Species
The type species (lectotype) of the genus Goniolithon is Goniolithon papillosum (Zanardini ex Hauck) Foslie.
Status of Name
This name is currently regarded as a synonym of Spongites yendoi (Foslie) Y.M.Chamberlain.
Source of Synonymy
Chamberlain, Y.M. (1993). Observations on the crustose coralline red alga Spongites yendoi (Foslie) comb. nov. in South-Africa and its relationship to S. decipiens (Foslie) comb. nov. and Lithophyllum natalense Foslie. Phycologia 32: 100-115, 56 figs, 1 table.
Type Information
Lectotype locality: Shimoda, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan; (Silva & al. 1996: 272) Lectotype: K. Yendo No. 66; April 1899; TRH; A1-53 (Woelkerling & al. 2005: 30) Notes: This type locality was first recorded by Foslie (1904a: expl. pl. XI). Chamberlain (1993: 102) cites Shimodo Harbour, Izul, Japan as the type locality.
General Environment
This is a marine species.
Created: 06 May 1999 by M.D. Guiry.
Last updated: 18 November 2015
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Cite this record as:
G.M. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 18 November 2015. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org; searched on 08 January 2025