Bibliographic Detail

Levring, T., 1941

Levring, T. (1941). Die Meeresalgen der Juan Fernandez-Inseln. Die Corallinaceen der Juan Fernandez-Inseln . In: The natural history of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island. (Skottsberg, C. Eds) Vol. 2, pp. 601-670; 753-757. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri.. [in German]

Publication Date:
14 December 1941


No. 22: Die Meeresalgen der Juan Fernandez-Inseln includes Chlorophyceae (pp. 604-614), Phaeophyceae (pp. 615-628) and Rhodophyceae (pp. 628-664). No. 25: Die Corallinaceen der Juan Fernandez-Inseln. Both nos are extracts from The Natural History of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island vol. II.


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