Bibliographic Detail

Reinhard, L., 1885

Reinhard, L. (1885). Materialien zur Morphologie und Systematik der Algen des Schwarzen Meeres. Denkschriften Neu-Russ. Gesellschaft Naturforscher 9: 199-510, 11 pls.

Also cited as "Algologizieskya isdlädowanya. Materialien zur Morphologie und Systematik der Algen des Schwarzen Meeres (rossice), m. 11 Taf. Odessa 1885." Is this a thesis? Also cited as "Contributiones ad morphologiam et systematicam algarum Maris Nigri" (1885). This is probablyLudwig (Vasilievic) Reinhard (1846-1922), Ukrainian algologist; director of the Museum and Garden and extraord. prof. of botany at Odessa University; from 1885/6- 1903 director of the botanical garden and morphological department of the Botanical Institute of Charkow University; from 1903 continuing as professor of botany.

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