Bibliographic Detail

Keum, Y.-S., Oak, J.H., Prud'homme van Reine, W.F. & Lee, I.K., 2001

Keum, Y.-S., Oak, J.H., Prud'homme van Reine, W.F. & Lee, I.K. (2001). Two species of Sphacelaria (Sphacelariales, Phaeophyceae), S. solitaria (Pringsheim) Kylin and S. recurva sp. nov. from Korea. Botanica Marina 44: 267-275.

Two species of the genus Sphacelaria, S. solitaria and S. recurva sp. nov., from Korea are described. Sphacelaria solitaria, not previously recorded from Korea, is characterized by the occurrence of both symmetrical propagules with two primary arms and asymmetrical propagules with one of the primary arms branched after its second secondary segment to form two secondary arms. Sphacelaria recurva is a new species, based on specimens collected from intertidal habitats on Namhaedo Island, the southern coast of Korea. The plants are erect, tufted, epiphytic on Hizikia fusiformis, and have sparsely branched filaments. Propagules have two short recurved cylindrical arms without further ramifications and a thick stalk tapering to its base. The subapical cells of these propagules are divided unequally to form the two arms. It is suggested that S. recurva can be placed in the section Furcigerae.

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