Bibliographic Detail
Brook, A.J., 1995
Brook, A.J. (1995). Closterium variabile sp. nov., (Zygnemaphyceae), a desmid new to science from Bedfordshire, England; and comments on C. sphaerosporum (West) nov. comb.. The Quekett Journal of Microscopy 37: 384-391, 4 figs.
One of the smallest species of the desmid genus Closterium, C variabile sp. nov. new to science, is described from small, shallow, acid pools on the Bedfordshire-Buckinghamshire border near Woburn. It has been studied in these pools over a period of a year and observations are reported about unusual seasonal variations in cell length, chloroplast morphology, and the production of pseudo-girdle bands. Closterium var. spbaerosporum has been given specific rank on the basis of zygospore morphology to become C spbaerosporum (West) nov. comb.