Bibliographic Detail
Zeller, G., 1877
Zeller, G. (1877). Algae Brasilienses circa Rio de Janero a Dr. A. Glaziou, horti publ. dir., collectae. In: Symbolae ad floram Brasiliae centralis cognoscendam quas edidit Eug. Warming, Particulae
i-xl. (Warming, E. Eds), pp. [635]-641. Havniae [København]: Typis Bianco Luno.
Havniae [København]
Date according to INA is 1877.
According to TL-2, published 1867-1894; all "particulae" (except no. 39) were published in Vid. Medd. Nat. For. Kjøbenhavn for 1867-1893. The parts were reprinted with (usually) double pagination: running page numbers for the reprints and original page numbers of the Vid.
Medd. issues. The reprints were distributed individually and also in four series (1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40) with special t.p.'s. Particula 39 was an independent publication in book form. The precise dates of publication of the parts were supplied by the staff of the Copenhagen Botanical Museum and Herbarium. The publication dates for Zeller's part are: [Particula] "22: 26 Mar 1877, p. [635]-641. - [Vid. Medd. Nat. For. Kjøbenhavn] 1876: 427-435. - G. Zeller, Algae brasilienses." The date of 1876 is the date of publication to be used according to TL-2. M.J. Wynne informs me (e-mail 9 August 2006) "...Zeller's article [starts] on p. 426 and it runs to p. 432 and it seems to end abruptly with Plocamium."