Bibliographic Detail

Keshri, J.P., 2008

Keshri, J.P. (2008). The genus Bulbochaete C.A. Agardh (Chlorophyta Oedogoniales) in West Bengal, India. Bibliotheca Phycologica 114: 1-103, 1 table, 26 pls.

ISBN 978-3-443-60041-9. Paperback.

Thirty taxa including nine new species of the genus Bulbochaete, five new varieties and a new form are described in this work. An emended description of Bulbochaete longipes Bourrelly is also provided. Four taxa are recorded either for the first time since their establishment or for the first time outside their original locality of occurrence; three taxa are new records for India and two species are recorded for the first time from West Bengal in addition to the previous ones.

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