Bibliographic Detail

Cavalier-Smith, T. & Scoble, J.M., 2013

Cavalier-Smith, T. & Scoble, J.M. (2013). Phylogeny of Heterokonta: Incisomonas marina, a uniciliate gliding opalozoan related to Solenicola (Nanomonadea), and evidence that Actinophryida evolved from raphidophytes. European Journal of Protistology 49(3): 328-353, 16 figures, 1 table.

Publication Date:
August 2013

Environmental rDNA sequencing has revealed many novel heterokont clades of unknown morphology. We describe a new marine heterotrophic heterokont flagellate, Incisomonas marina, which most unusually lacks an anterior cilium. It glides and swims with its cilium trailing behind, but is predominantly sedentary on the substratum, with or without a cilium. 18S rDNA sequence phylogeny groups Incisomonas strongly within clade MAST-3; with others it forms a robust sister clade to Solenicola, here grouped with it as new order Uniciliatida, placed within new class Nanomonadea encompassing MAST-3. Our comprehensive maximum likelihood heterokont phylogeny shows Nanomonadea as sister to MAST-12 plus Opalinata within Opalozoa, and that Actinophryida are not Opalozoa (previously suggested by distance trees), but highly modified raphidomonads, arguably related to Heliorapha (formerly Ciliophrys) azurina gen., comb. n. We discuss evolution of Actinophryida from photosynthetic raphidophytes. Clades MAST-4,6-11 form one early-branching bigyran clade. Olisthodiscus weakly groups with Hypogyristea not Raphidomonadea. Phylogenetic analysis shows that MAST-13 is all Bicosoeca. Some gliding uniciliates similar to Incisomonas marina seem to have been misclassified: therefore we establish Incisomonas devorata comb. n. for Rigidomastix devoratum, revise the genus Rigidomastix, transfer Clautriavia parva to Kiitoksia. We make 17 new families (13 heterokont (three algal), two cercozoan, two amoebozoan).


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