Bibliographic Detail
Woronichin, N.N., 1926
Woronichin, N.N. (1926). Grundriss der Algen-Vegetation des Kaukasus. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 17: 183-220.
The rapid streams of the Lenkoran lowland lack an algal flora. As to the cold mountain-born brooks of Central Transcaucasia (about 2500 m.) the following sp. are characteristic: Hydrurus foetidus Kirchn., Hormidium uncinatum Gurt., Ulothrix zonata Ktz., Diatoma hyemale Heib., Surirella spiralis Ktz., and Meridion circulare Ag. In the forest zone lying lower down (2000-950 m.) the same algal flora is maintained except Hydrurus, which here is replaced by Cladophora glomerata Ktz. Lemanea and Hilde-brandtia are comparatively rare. In general, in the algal flora of the mountain-born brooks of Central Transcaucasia there are no original traits worth mentioning. After discussing a series of societies met with in brooks in the outskirts of Tiflis, the algal societies occurring in the mineral hot springs (28-46[degree] C.) are considered. The Alpine lakes of the Caucasus have been studied very little; one of the interesting plants found in them is Staurastrum dorsidentiferum West var. molitiense, nov. var. (not described). A series of new sp. of Schizophyceae (Aulosira, Fischerella, Rivulariopsis) as well as a series of new varieties of Cosmarium were found thriving on turf mosses in the region of Gori (1800 m.). The former are regarded as relict plants and the latter as an illustrative case of endemism. This algal flora of turf mosses resembles that of Upper Austria and Carinthia. In the algal communities of moist cliffs, there is a close relationship to the societies on moist cliffs in Bohemia both in composition of sp. and in correlations existing between particular systematic groups composing the societies. Epiphyllous algal societies growing on the surface of leaves of Buxus, Abies, and Picea are considered; mention is made of Phycopeltis epiphyton Mill. and Scytonema intermedium De Willd.