Bibliographic Detail
Yang, E.C., Peters, A.F., Kawai, H., Stern, R., Hanyuda, T., Bárbara, I., Müller, D.G., Strittmatter, M., Prud'homme van Reine, W.F. & Küpper, F.C., 2014
Yang, E.C., Peters, A.F., Kawai, H., Stern, R., Hanyuda, T., Bárbara, I., Müller, D.G., Strittmatter, M., Prud'homme van Reine, W.F. & Küpper, F.C. (2014). [Ligulate Desmarestia (Desmarestiales, Phaeophyceae) revisited: D. japonica sp. nov. and D. dudresnayi differ from D. ligulata] Corrigendum. Journal of Phycology 50(4): 771.
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