Bibliographic Detail

Reichardt, E., 2011

Reichardt, E. (2011). Beitrag zur Diatomeenflora (Bacillariophyceae) des Paterzeller Eibenwaldes. Berichte der Bayerischen Botanischen Gesellschaft 81: 5-28.

Diatom associations from tufa-forming springs and streams in the “Paterzeller Eibenwald” (an area with numerous yew-trees near Paterzell, Southern Bavaria) have been investigated. Apart from some common and widely distributed species the diatom flora is mainly composed of special taxa which are characteristic for such oligotrophic or weakly mesotrophic habitats rich in lime. For the most part the associations agree with those growing under similar conditions in the Southern Franconian Jurassic Mountains and elsewhere (e.g. REICHARDT 1994, 1995). In addition some species which are mainly found in the limestone parts of the Northern Alps and alpine foothills are present. Rare and characteristic species or those of special interest are discussed and depicted by 178 LM- and SEM-micrographs. Two species (Cymbopleura krammeri, Gomphonema gutturatum) and one variety (G. gutturatum var. simplex) are described as new. New combinations are proposed for Cymbopleura subaequalis var. truncata, var. alpestris, var. pertruncata, Navicula crassulexigua and Synedra vitrea. Cymbopleura diminuta is shown to belong to the genus Cymbella.


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