Bibliographic Detail

Skvortsov, B.V. & Noda, M., 1975

Skvortsov, B.V. & Noda, M. (1975). Flagellates of clean and polluted waters VI. A short description of species of genus Rhizaspis Skuja of Rhizaspidaceae (Euglenophyta) found in subtropics of Brasil and also reported from Europe and south Asia and the description of a new genus Anfia gen. nov. found also in Brasil. In: Prof. Mitsuzo Noda Commemorative Publication on his retirement from the Faculty of Science, Niigata University. (Laboratory of Phytotaxo-Morphology Eds), pp. 67-75, 2 plates. Niigata: Niigata University.

Publication Date:
March 1975



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