Bibliographic Detail

Masjuk, N.P. & Kostikov, I.Y., 1986

Masjuk, N.P. & Kostikov, I.Y. (1986). Rid Polytomella Aragão (Dunaliellaceae, Volvocales, Chlorophyceae, Chlorophycophyta) u flori SRSR [The genus Polytomella Aragão (Dunaliellaceae, Volvocales, Chlorophyceae, Chlorophycophyta) in the flora of the USSR]. Ukrainian Botanical Journal 43(5): 100-104, 4 figs, 2 tables. [in Ukrainian, English summary]

It is indicated that the genus Polytomella Aragao in the USSR flora has been studied insufficiently. The Latin diagnosis,description and pictures of new for science species P. zerovii Massjuk et Kost. found in the soil-aquatic culture from the soil of hornbeam-oak forest in the outskirts of Kiev (Feofania) are given. Description and pictures are also presented for a new for the flora of the USSR species P. caeca Pringsheim detected in the soil-aquatic culture from the soil of oak forests in the Savran District of the Odessa Region (the Savran forestry, plots 19 and 33). A key for determination of ten known species of the genus Polytomella, their pictures and comparative table of major diagnostic characters are given.


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