Wildemania De Toni, 1890
Holotype species: Wildemania amplissima (Kjellman) Foslie
Publication details: De Toni, 1890: 144
Original publication: De Toni, G.B. (1890). Frammenti algologici. Nuova Notarisia 1: 141-144.
Type designated in: Foslie, M. (1891). Contribution to the knowledge of the marine algae of Norway. II. Species from different tracts. Tromsø Museums Aarshefter 14: 36-58, 3 pls.
The most recent alteration to this page was made on 2017-04-27 by M.D. Guiry.
Taxonomic status: This name is of an entity that is currently accepted taxonomically.
Most recent taxonomic treatment adopted: Sutherland, J.E., Lindstrom, S.C., Nelson, W.A., Brodie, J., Lynch, M.D., Hwang, M.S., Choi, H.-G., Miyata, M., Kikuchi, N., Oliveira, M.C., Farr, T., Neefus, C., Mols-Mortensen, A. Milstein, D. & Müller, K.M. (2011). A new look at an ancient order: generic revision of the Bangiales (Rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology 47(5): 1131-1151.
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M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 27 April 2017. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org; searched on 28 March 2025