Chondracanthus bajacalifornicus Hughey & Hommersand 2008

Publication Details
Chondracanthus bajacalifornicus Hughey & Hommersand 2008: 147, figs 42-50

Published in: Hughey, J.R. & Hommersand, M.H. (2008). Morphological and molecular systematic study of Chondracanthus (Gigartinaceae, Rhodophyta) from Pacific North America. Phycologia 47: 124-155.

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Type Species
The type species (lectotype) of the genus Chondracanthus is Chondracanthus chauvinii (Bory) Kützing.

Status of Name
This name is of an entity that is currently accepted taxonomically.

Type Information
Type locality: SE side, Punta Baja, Baja California, Mexico; (Hughey & Hommersand 2008: 147) Holotype: M.H. Hommersand; 21.iv.1974; UC; 1819313 (Hughey & Hommersand 2008: 147) Notes: Cystocarpic, male, and mixed-phase male and tetrasporangial plants are included in the type material (Hughey & Hommersand 2008: 147).

Thalli 6-12 cm high, cartilaginous, yellowish to brownish red or purplish black, forming stiff, densely branched clumps arising from a discoid holdfast that is stoloniferous at the base; erect shoots terete to compressed, 1-2 mm wide, typically branched at the base with long axes that are either simple or once or twice forked above, vegetative axes naked, becoming densely crowded on all sides above by short, branched ramuli or bladelets in fertile thalli; cortex of 7-8 layers of cells, medullary cells variable in size and shape, 1.5-17 mm diameter. Cystocarps papillate, 665-875 µm in diameter, borne in bladelets on crowded simple or 1-2 times forked branchlets in the upper third of the axis, and naked or armed with short spines around the ostiole; carpospores subspherical, 15-25 mm in diameter. Spermatangial plants feathery, with distichously branched or flattened ramuli that appear echinate. Tetrasporangial sori 140-280 µm in diameter, irregularly distributed on 2-3 times distichously divided branchlets; tetrasporangia narrow, ellipsoidal, 12-15 µm broad by 22-30 mm long, formed in chains 4-6 cells long.

Saxicolous, exposed to surf and swift flowing currents often forming an extensive turf in the mid-low intertidal.

Created: 25 April 2008 by M.D. Guiry.

Last updated: 02 March 2015

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Paul Gabrielson in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 02 March 2015. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 13 March 2025

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