Peridinium lomnickii Wołoszyńska 1916
Publication Details
Peridinium lomnickii Wołoszyńska 1916: 264, 267-268, pl. 10: figs 25-29
Published in: Woloszynska, J. (1916). Polnische Süsswasser-Peridineen. Bulletin International de l'Académie des Sciences de Cracovie. Classe des Sciences Mathematiques et Naturelles. Série B. Sciences Naturelles 1915(8-10): 260-285, plates 10-14.
Publication date: "Octobre-Décembre"
Type Species
The type species (holotype) of the genus Peridinium is Peridinium cinctum (O.F.Müller) Ehrenberg.
Status of Name
This name is currently regarded as a synonym of Chimonodinium lomnickii (Wołoszyńska) Craveiro, Calado, Daugbjerg, Gert Hansen & Moestrup.
Source of Synonymy
Craveiro, S.C., Calado, A.J., Daugbjerg, N., Hansen, G. & Moestrup, O. (2011). Ultrastructure and LSU rDNA-based phylogeny of Peridinium lomnickii and description of Chimonodinium gen. nov. (Dinophyceae). Protist 162: 590-615.
Type Information
Type locality: Poland: Holosco Wielkie near Lemberg [Ukraine]; (INA 1996) Lectotype: Woloszynska 1915: pl. X 29: (Kretschmann & al. 2022: 417, 418) Notes: Type [illustration]: Ukraine. Lviv, Lviv, lake near Golosko-Velikoye [Holosko Wielkie]: J. Woloszynska s.n., s. d. (Kretschmann et al., 2022: 417).
General Environment
This is a freshwater species.
Created: 11 April 2002 by M.D. Guiry.
Last updated: 01 February 2023
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G.M. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 01 February 2023. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 14 March 2025