Navicula inclementis Hendey 1964
Publication Details
Navicula inclementis Hendey 1964: 197, pl. 30: fig. 16
Published in: Hendey, N.I. (1964). An introductory account of the smaller algae of British coastal waters. Part V: Bacillariophyceae (diatoms). pp. [i]-xxii, 1-317. London: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Fishery Investigations. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
Type Species
The type species (holotype) of the genus Navicula is Navicula tripunctata (O.F.Müller) Bory.
Status of Name
The taxonomic or nomenclatural status (or both) of this entity is in some way unresolved and requires further investigation.
General Environment
This is a freshwatermarine species.
Created: 23 April 2002 by M.D. Guiry.
Last updated: 07 August 2024
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Nomenclatural note
Type not designated if a new name was intended. It is possible that this was a new name for Navicula clementis var. rhombica Brockmann, 1950; however, Williams (2024: 35) notes: "Hendey proposed Navicula clementis var. rhombica Brockmann (1950, p. 18, pl. 2, figs 43, 45) as a synonym and, if so, Hendey's name Navicula inclementis was probably intended as a replacement name rather than a new species. Navicula clementis var. rhombica was described from the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein and was later transferred to Placoneis rhombica (Brockmann) Lange-Bertalot (in Metzeltin, Lange-Bertalot & F. Garcia-Rodriguez 2005, p. 195) who noted that Navicula inclementis could not be a synonym as 'size dimensions and striae differ considerably'; they refer to 'Navicula (Placoneis?) inclementis' (Metzeltin, Lange-Bertalot & F. Garcia-Rodriguez 2005, p. 195). Elsewhere, Placoneis rhombica is considered a synonym of Placoneis clementis (Grunow) E.J.Cox (1987, p. 155, figs 28-33). In short, specimens of Navicula inclementis require further study and if they do indeed belong to Placoneis, a new name will be required. To that end, only two slides in Hendey's collection have potential as examples: BM I02546 (Hendey 3357, 'Wales, Anglesey') and BM 12743 (Hendey 3539, 'Wales, Anglesey')." - (22 January 2018) - M.D. Guiry
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M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 07 August 2024. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 15 March 2025