Dinophysis rotundata Claparède & Lachmann 1859

Current name: Phalacroma rotundatum (Claparéde & Lachmann) Kofoid & J.R.MichenerRobin Raine (Robin.Raine@nuigalway.ie)
Publication Details
Dinophysis rotundata Claparède & Lachmann 1859: 409, pl. 20: fig. 16
Published in: Claparède, É. & Lachmann, J. (1859). Études sur les infusoires et les rhizopodes. Mémoires de l'Institut National Genevois 6: 261-482.
Type Species
The type species (holotype) of the genus Dinophysis is Dinophysis acuta Ehrenberg.
Status of Name
This name is currently regarded as a synonym of Phalacroma rotundatum (Claparéde & Lachmann) Kofoid & J.R.Michener.
Source of Synonymy
Kofoid, C.A. & Michener, J.R. (1911). Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the Eastern Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross" from October 1904 to March 1905, Lieut. Commander L.M. Garrett, U.S.N., Commanding. XXII. New Genera and species of dinoflagellates. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College 54(7): 265-302.
Type Information
Type locality: North Sea: Glesnesholm, Norway; (Faust & Gulledge 2002: 32) Holotype: (Faust & Gulledge 2002: 32)
Origin of Species Name
Adjective (Latin), almost circular, with length breadth ratio of about 6 to 5 (Stearn 1983).
General Environment
This is a marine species.
Created: 07 May 2002 by M.D. Guiry.
Last updated: 07 December 2018
Verification of Data
Users are responsible for verifying the accuracy of information before use, as noted on the website Content page.
Nomenclatural note
Cited as accepted name by Ignatiades (2012). - (11 June 2012) - G.M. Guiry
Usage note
Faust & Gulledge (2002: 32) notes this species is toxic and produces the diarrhetic shellfish poison (DSP) toxin Dinophysistoxin-1 (DTX1). Please consult original reference for further details.
Harmful species - (11 May 2006) - G.M. Guiry
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M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 07 December 2018. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org; searched on 11 March 2025