Prymnesium patelliferum J.C.Green, D.J.Hibberd & R.N.Pienaar 1982

Publication Details
Prymnesium patelliferum J.C.Green, D.J.Hibberd & R.N.Pienaar 1982: 365, figs 1-27 (as 'patellifera')

Published in: Green, J.C., Hibberd, D.J. & Pienaar, R.N. (1982). The taxonomy of Prymnesium (Prymnesiophyceae) including a description of a new cosmopolitan species, P. patellifera sp. nov., and further observations on P. pavum N. Carter. British Phycological Journal 17: 363-382, 42 figs.

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Type Species
The type species (holotype) of the genus Prymnesium is Prymnesium saltans Massart.

Status of Name
This name is currently regarded as a synonym of Prymnesium parvum f. patelliferum (J.C.Green, D.J.Hibberd & R.N.Pienaar) A.Larsen.

Source of Synonymy
Larsen, A. (1999). Prymnesium parvum and P. patelliferum (Haptophyta) - one species. Phycologia 38: 541-543.

Type Information
Type locality: Sequin Bay, Washington; English Bay, British Columbia [a]; Old Town Lagoon, Friday Harbor, San Juan Isalnd, U.S.A. [b]; The Fleet, Dorset [c]; (Green, Hibberd & Pienaar 1982: 364) Type: Figs 18-21: collected by F.J.R. Taylor (isolated by R. Waters) [a]; isolated by R.N. Pienaar [b]; isolated by D.J. Hibberd [c]; August 1969, 1970 [a]; October 1974 [b]; 1976 [c]; strain JG/S11 (strain no. HD2), strain JG/S12 (culture no. H47) [a]; strain X28 [b]; strain CCAP 946/4 (DH189] (Green, Hibberd & Pienaar 1982: 364)

General Environment
This is a marine species.

Created: 26 April 2002 by M.D. Guiry.

Last updated: 24 April 2018

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M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 24 April 2018. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 14 March 2025

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