Ceramium echionotum J.Agardh 1844

Ceramium echionotum J.Agardh

Current name: Ceramium echionotum J.Agardh
Finavarra, Co. Clare, Ireland - 14 June 2011. M.D. Guiry (mike.guiry@nuigalway.ie)

Publication Details
Ceramium echionotum J.Agardh 1844: 27

Published in: Agardh, J.G. (1844). In systemata algarum hodierna adversaria scripsit Jacobus Agardh, quae venia ampliss. facultatis philosophicae pro exercitio disputaturus defendet N. J. Wetterquist, Vestro-Gothus. In auditorio botanica die xxii maj. mdcccxliv. pp. Pars [1]: 22 Mai 1844 (date on cover, rd. by Regensburg Sep 1844), p. [i of cover], [i]-16. Pars [2]: 22 Mai 1844, resp. O. Nic. Hammar, p. [i], 17-32. Pars [3]: 22 Mai 1844, resp. C. O. N. Dahlgren, p. [i], 33-56. Lund: Berling.

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Type Species
The type species (lectotype) of the genus Ceramium is Ceramium virgatum Roth.

Status of Name
This name is of an entity that is currently accepted taxonomically.

Type Information
Lectotype locality: Devon (Torquay); (Maggs & Hommersand 1993: 57) Lectotype: [A.M.] Griffiths; September, 1837; LD; 20792 (Maggs & Hommersand 1993: 57) Notes: Herb. Lugd, Bat. 940.265.8: Lenormand specimen from Arromanches (Normandy)? (Dixon, 1959: 342). In Atlantico, Torquay, Gades; in mediterraneo ad oras Hispaniae et Galloprovinciae (INA).

Origin of Species Name
Adjective (Latin), from echis (Greek), an adder, and noton (Greek), a back (Newton 1931).

General Environment
This is a marine species.

Rough, densely tufted, purplish red fronds, to 150 mm long, repeatedly dichotomously branched, axils wide, apices strongly hooked inwards filaments of almost uniform diameter throughout. Articulations coritcated at nodes, 3-4 times as long as broad in lower parts, very short distally, with numerous, irregularly distibuted, colourless, unicellular, needle-like spines on corticating bands.

On rocks and stones and epiphytic, southern and western coasts, occasional.

Created: 31 March 1996 by M.D. Guiry.

Last updated: 10 November 2023

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M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 10 November 2023. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org; searched on 28 March 2025

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